Reasoning Through Language Arts for the GED Test Print Bundle

Publisher New Readers Press

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Available in English only.
Our Price:
$ 48 00
This 3 book series will help you to:
  • Assess your use of Standard English Conventions and help build sentence structure skills such as fragments, run ons, pronoun usage, verb tenses, and punctuation. Uses GED practice questions to model editing passages in context.
  • Analyze fiction and informational texts. Reviews essential skills such as sequencing and cause and effect as well as use of graphic organizers to compare and contrast information
  • Answer extended and short response questions on the RLA, science, and social studies tests. Learn a three-step approach to creating well-organized arguments as well as practicing timed extended and short response answers

  • This 3- book series has been reviewed and validated as 100% aligned to the GED test