GED Ready Offline for Corrections


100 order minimum.

Bulk pricing available.

Our Price:
$ 3 50

GED Ready® Offline for Corrections

Deliver official practice tests in a classroom setting


  • Give your students the only practice test designed to assess how they will do on the 2014 GED® test.
  • No internet access needed to take the test.
  • No Test Center scheduling required.
  • Test scores available immediately after completing an exam.
  • Focused feedback on testing skills needing improvement.


  • Same-day scoring
  • Half the length of the operational test
  • Each test takes 45 - 75 minutes to complete
  • Available in English and Spanish


  • Minimum operating system on testing computers: Windows 10
  • Testing computers must have 4GB of RAM available
  • Minimum Internet browser version for administrative computer only: Microsoft Edge Version 90 or greater, or Google Chrome Version 90 or greater
  • Your facility must have a storage device (USB drive) to transfer files from the Internet-connected computer to the testing computers. Or you could use a hard drive shared on a Local Area Network which has read and write permissions.
  • You must have administrative rights to the testing computers to download and 'run' new software on them


  • A file is downloaded from GED Testing Service that is placed on a jump drive and walked to non-Internet testing computers. You will have 60-days to move from jump drive to testing computers. 
    • The software has 3 primary purposes:
      • To register the testing computers
      • To allocate tests to the testing computers through a Control Center/internet-based computer
      • To launch GED Ready on testing computers

PAYMENT OPTIONS (Reduced pricing is available if purchased in bulk)

  • $3.50 per test
  • Bulk Rates Available here

    1. Check-out using a credit card


    2. Establish a line of credit with PearsonVUE (See below (Additoinal step may apply)
  • Fill out a Supplier Request Form and Credit Application and submit to PearsonVUE Finance at [email protected] for establishing credit terms
  • Processing your credit application may take up to 4 weeks
  • Credit applications for over $25,000 may take up to 6 weeks
  • Once a credit decision has been rendered, you will be contacted with information on how to place orders
  • If you have a PO, the PO order amount must match the Pearson VUE store order amount including shipping charges and tax as applicable. If the PO amount does not match, your order will not be fulfilled.
  • Invoices will be sent electronically for all approved purchases.
  • Payment is due within 30 days of the date on the invoice.
  • Past due invoices will prevent further orders from fulfilling.
  • There are no returns on fulfilled Credit Line orders.
  • Contact GED Testing Service at [email protected] to request more information