Fast Forward Writing Basics

Publisher KET
Available in the US, US Territories and Canada only. English only.

This workbook offers a comprehensive overview of writing concepts and skills.
Our Price:
$ 13 00
Available in the US, US Territories and Canada only. English only.

This workbook addresses:

  • the process of writing
  • how to organize writing to express ideas and feelings
  • the use of effective sentences, proper grammar, punctuation and spelling

A pre-test allows learners to self-evaluate and offers suggestions to build specific writing skills.
A post-test and self-assessment help learners evaluate progress.
Guidelines for keeping a journal and making a portfolio are offered along with lots of writing practice to help develop skills.
Resources include a complete answer and explanation section as well as a writing handbook and editing checklists.
Links to online instructional video segments to support workbook content are provided.