Grammar Refresher

Publisher Ed2Go
Available in English only.

The access key code that you purchase for this product is good for one year. Once you register with ed2go, you have 6 weeks to use the key code and sign-up for your instructor-led course.
Our Price:
$ 90 00 10% off Was $100.00
Whatever your goals, a grasp of English grammar is important if you want to improve your speaking and writing skills. This course will help you gain confidence in your ability to produce clean, grammatically correct work. You'll explore the basics of English grammar-like sentence structure and punctuation-as well as more sophisticated concepts-like logic and clarity. A patient instructor, memorable lessons, vivid examples, and interactive exercises will give you ample opportunity to put what you learn into practice. Reacquaint yourself with old, forgotten rules, meet some new ones, and discover your own grammatical strengths.

Requirements: Internet access, e-mail, the Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox Web browser, and the Adobe Flash and PDF plug-ins (two free and simple downloads you obtain at by clicking Get Adobe Flash Player and Get Adobe Reader).

Please note: This course teaches American English grammar. Also, this course is not designed for ESL students. If you are an ESL student, please consider enrolling in Grammar for ESL Students with Sabri Bebawi.