Computer skills for the workplace

Publisher Ed2Go
Available in English only.

The access key code that you purchase for this product is good for one year. Once you register with ed2go, you have 6 weeks to use the key code and sign-up for your instructor-led course.
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Most jobs today require a working knowledge of certain computer skills. Employers seek and reward employees with the skills and knowledge to send messages across the country via e-mail; use a spreadsheet to create a graph and paste it into a report; add and edit data in a database; understand the implications of file sizes, memory limitations, and network arrangements; and recognize the function and features of modern computer components. Any job candidate who already possesses these skills will stand above those who do not. This course is designed to provide the fundamental computer competencies you need to survive and prosper in today's fast-changing workplace. You will learn how to implement the powers of modern office software to work faster and more efficiently. We'll focus on practical application for software most common to the workplace. When you finish this course, you will have learned why employers consider technological literacy so critical to the success of any organization.

Requirements: Microsoft Windows XP or newer with any edition of Microsoft Office Pro or newer (please make sure Microsoft Office is installed and operating before the course begins); Internet access, e-mail, and the Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox Web browser.

Windows Users: your version of Windows is not extremely important and will impact only a small part of the course. Many students will have a version of Windows that differs from Windows 7 in which the course was written. Simply ask the instructor for clarification on how to accomplish any tasks when necessary.

Mac Users: Mac users are welcome, but please note that the course was written using Microsoft Windows. Students using Mac OS X with any edition of Microsoft Office 2004 (Mac) can be supported in the discussion areas.